Hallo Dejan,
ich habe die Frequenzen meines Mercedes W221 und die Antenne unter der Radioantenne gewechselt.
Aber Key Les Go funktioniert nicht.
Vielen Grüße
Hallo Dejan,
ich habe die Frequenzen meines Mercedes W221 und die Antenne unter der Radioantenne gewechselt.
Aber Key Les Go funktioniert nicht.
Vielen Grüße
Good evening,
I tried it, I put the old 315Mhz antenna and with the old 315 mhz key again, key less go does not work. The person who made me the 433 mhz key told me that I programmed the key module to 433 mhz, do you think that key less go does not work because of the programming of the module?
Good evening
I tried it I put the old 315Mhz antenna and with the old 315 mhz key again, key less go does not work. The person who made me the 433 mhz key told me that I programmed the key module to 433 mhz, do you think that the key goes less does not work because of the programming of the module?
Who can help me with a contact where I can program the module to make it at 315 Mhz as it was. because I don't want to go to the person who did it at 433 mhz. I want to make the car as it was because the key less go does not work. Makime looks like a golf 2 to me 😆.
Thank you for any suggestion you will give me.
hello everyone, my car is w221, year 2010, USA model, I programmed the key and the module in 433 mhz from a person I found on the internet, I also changed the antenna in 433 mhz that is on the back glass, the car does not work well and there are some problems, the key less go doesn't work, the start button doesn't work, the doors open only when you are 20 cm close to the driver's handle, if they leave, they don't open. The person who did the programming for me tells me that you have to separate 4 key less go antennas for it to work.
If any of you have experience, tell me do you have to change these antennas?
If I change them, does the key less go function?
Thank you for any suggestion you will give me.